How Stress Impacts Gut Health and Slows Down Metabolism

Stress is not just mental, it can have several physical effects. Stress affects sleep (lack or excess), can lead to a lack of appetite or binge eating and can adversely affect your metabolism in several ways. 

What’s the connection between stress and low metabolism?

When your body is under stress, the adrenal glands release the stress hormone called Cortisol which pauses regular body functions and slows down metabolism to combat the issue.

Cortisol also creates a surge of energy in your body. This intense energy expenditure increases your appetite. In situations of physical stress, this is quite helpful. However with mental stress, you don’t necessarily spend the energy, but your increased appetite leads to increased calorie consumption. Elevated cortisol levels also lead to food cravings, especially of sweet, fatty and salty foods. Thus, you’re consuming more processed calories than your body can handle. Most of these cravings result in the consumption of foods that are low in nutrients and packed with unhealthy fats.

This leads to your body feeling sluggish, it also gives rise to negative emotions and thus, further stress. Thereby a cycle is created that gives rise to increased cortisol levels. 


What are the signs of stress-led low metabolism?

Here are some of the signs that could be related to low metabolism due to stress

  • Anxiety, especially triggered by food 

  • Fatigue

  • Low appetite with bouts of binge eating

  • Unexplained weight changes

  • Excess cravings

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Unexplained weight loss (due to vomiting) or gain (binge eating)

Can supplements help in managing stress? 

When coupled with exercise and self-care rituals (therapy, yoga, meditation, etc.), certain supplements like vitamin B-complex, vitamin D, magnesium, melatonin, L-theanine and more can help manage stress. 


Frequently Asked Questions 

How does gut health affect metabolism?
Your gut helps you digest food aka absorb nutrients and discard excess. When your gut health is poor, your body may not be able to absorb the nutrients required for its daily activities, thereby, slowing your metabolism. 

What are the symptoms of stress on the digestive system?
Stress impacts appetite, but can also lead to nausea, diarrhoea or constipation and other issues. 

How can supplements help in managing stress?
Certain supplements like vitamins D, B-complex, nutrients like magnesium, melatonin, etc. can help manage stress.